This post provides detailed information about Isopropanol, including its hazards and how to safely store and dispose of it, as well as it properties and uses.
What is Isopropanol?
Isopropanol commonly known as isopropyl alcohol, is a liquid with a very nice smell. It has the ability to dissolve in water and also in other hydrocarbon liquids. It is an alcohol but not the normal alcohol that you find in beers or wines.
Isopropanol should not be ingested (whether large or little quantity) because it is really toxic.
Chemical Structure

Chemical formula: C3H8O
Common Isopropanol Hazards
Isopropanol is a substance that should not be swallowed, ingested, inhaled or allowed to touch the skin.
When isopropanol is ingested, it may lead to severe headache, blurry vision, dizziness and stomach upset that leads to vomiting.
In most cases, the victim may go unconscious.
When isopropanol touches the skin or eyes, irritation occurs. This causes discomfort in the eyes.
Isopropanol Safety Handling Procedures
Isopropanol is toxic and even flammable (since it is alcohol). There are proper methods for using this chemical in order to avoid exposures.
When handling or working with isopropanol, do not forget to apply the following:
- Handling this chemical close to a fire or heat is very dangerous (because of its flammability). Isopropanol should be used in a place where there is no combustible items at all.
- Protect your body with appropriate kit and your hands with chemical resistant gloves. Your eyes should not be left out, protect them with eye glasses that can guide against chemicals.
- Having a bucket of clean water beside you is a very good idea. The reason for this water is to quickly rinse your body or eyes if the chemical touches them.
- Make sure you clean up the environment after using this chemical because of spills.
- Do not eat while working with isopropanol.
Isopropanol Safety Storage Procedures
Storing this chemical in the right place will guide against accidents. Follow this correct storage method to keep your isopropanol safe:
- It is advisable to store this chemical in a well-sealed container or tank, so as to prevent leakage which could lead to a very serious threats.
- A spacious place (well ventilated) is highly recommended for the storage of this chemical.
- Always make sure this chemical is separated far away from fire, heat or any combustible item.
Isopropanol Safety Disposal Procedures
Disposing isopropanol does not require too much hassle. There are a few ways you can safely dispose of this chemical.
Here is a suitable guide to successfully carryout this practice:
Isopropanol can be flushed down the drain just like some other chemicals too.
But before flushing it down the drain, make sure the place is well ventilated so you wouldn’t get affected by the vapor that comes out of the chemical.
Gently pour isopropanol down the drain (whether it is a kitchen sink or bath tub), then keep the tap running for some time.
How to Handle Exposures to Isopropanol
Apply these safety/first aid measures if you get exposed to isopropanol:
If isopropanol gets inhaled or swallowed, victim should be taken to an open space that has enough fresh air before they are transferred to the nearest medical facility promptly.
Eyes and skin should be washed thoroughly with clean water if the chemical touches them.
Isopropanol Properties (Physical and Chemical)
Here is additional information about Isopropanol:
Isopropanol’s boiling point is higher than that of propene. This chemical has a boiling point of 82 degree Celsius, while it has a unique melting point of -89 C.
Isopropanol is a flammable liquid chemical substance. This chemical can be transformed to acetone if it gets exposed to oxidizing agents.
Isopropanol Preparation
Direct hydration is one of the procedures for producing isopropanol. It requires the mixture of propene and water.
When combined, a solid acidic catalyst is a necessary item for a successful reaction.
Isopropanol Uses
Isopropanol is used for hygienic purposes, since it is a cleaning agent. It also has a way of easing muscle aches, and it serves as an antiseptic for killing germs (though, this is not a common application).
Isopropanol is a chemical used in various industries. It is known to have a natural good smell, but this liquid is harmful to health and flammable.
This article has provided a useful guide on Isopropanol, its hazards and how to safely handle it.