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About Us?

Free Chemistry Online is run by a team of experienced and dedicated chemistry teachers led by Innocent Ibhaluobe who are driven by the passion to make the knowledge of chemistry available for free online to millions of students across the globe.

The website provides chemistry courses and tutorials covering primarily high school syllabus. Students in their first and second semesters in college will also find the tutorials on this website valuable.

Knowing how difficult  many students find it to understand chemistry concepts and principles, our approach as we teach each course here is to deeply simplify and explain each concept to the level an average student will be able to understand.

The owners and contributors of this website will continue to build it up by adding new learning materials to it and make it one of the richest websites for chemistry courses and learning materials, so we invite you to keep coming back.

Please note that the content on the website is not meant to be a substitute for professional advice. Always get the advice of your teacher or content expert (human or print material) with any questions that you may have.

Total Disclosures - Use of Third-party Advertisements

We serve third-party advertisements on the website from which we may earn income. Right now we display ads from Google and Amazon, and may either discontinue or add others in future. When you visit these websites from ours and other websites they may take you to, information about your visits may be obtained by them to be used to provide to you advertisements about goods and services you may like. We do not have control over these advertisements and cannot guarantee anything about them, and therefore cannot be held responsible for any shortcoming, loss, failures or whatever else that may be associated with any third-party advertisement served on our website.     

Copyright and Use of Content

Free Chemistry Online is copyright protected. The pages, courses and tutorials on Free Chemistry Online are provided for free to chemistry students, teachers, and the general public. The website owners restrict its use to online usage through a live internet connection. It is prohibited to download files from the website to hard drives, school servers, web servers, CDs, and other storage devices. All parts of this website, including texts, images, and animations are prohibited from being reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise.

Contact Us

For inquiries, suggestions or observations about this website, you can reach us by sending an email to: tutors@freechemistryonline.com




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